Alag Shabad Yug Trust Ludhiana - 141010 is an organization which distributes soul
uplifting and character building high quality literature free of cost to the
ambitious readers throughout the world. This Trust is formulated with a noble
view in mind to apprise the world habitat the most valuable principles propounded
in Gurbani and Sikh idealism through the free distribution of high quality literature
prepared and printed by itself in Panjabi, Hindi, English and various other languages.
The literature which is printed by Alag Shabad Yug Trust through the financial support
of the esteemed donors and well wishers of Gurbani, definitely creates an atmosphere of
love, amity, equality, peace and fraternity amongst the people irrespective of caste,
colour and creed. Besides this, the trust is actively engaged to utilize all possible
avenues in ameliorating the plight of the people in helping financially to deserving
intelligent students, encouraging the outstanding persons by presenting them suitable
Awards, supporting poor families by providing them some financial help and by donating
blood to the needies. It solely runs on the charity received from the philanthropists
and God loving individuals or through the donations and contributions received from various
Socio-Cultural-Religious- Organizations and Gurdwaras to be utilised in reviving, maintaining,
bettering and strengthening the finer values and noble principles as enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib,
the sacred scripture belonging to the human race and those pious thoughts which govern the humanity to lead virtuous and positive life.
The spirit of Sarbat Da Bhalla i.e. 'Welfare Unto All' is the guiding force to run the
affairs of Alag Shabad Yug Charitable International Trust, Ludhiana-141010, Pb. INDIA.